Naughty America - Naughty Athletics - Jennifer White / Naughty America - Naughty Athletics - Jennifer White

Written by Ozzy Ozzman
Uploaded by Ozzy Ozzman

My wife Dee and I got back from a holiday in 2002 that could have been hell but turned out to be magnificent. We both had some time off work in September and managed to get a really cheap holiday to France in a seaside village close to Bordeaux. We booked a small apartment in a block of about eight. The mini complex had a private pool and gardens that were fenced off for extra security and privacy. From there it was a five-minute walk down to the beaches. There were six or seven sandy beaches that ran along this particular section of the coast and each had steps cut into the rock that led down from the cliffs. There was one larger beach, the closest one, that was just off the village and didn’t require a descent as it was only a! few feet lower than the road. This was where most people went as it had parasols to rent, a small beach bar and there were seaside restaurants along the front.

Blonde on beachWhat made this holiday different? When we got off the small plane at Bordeaux we were told that our luggage had been unloaded by mistake when the plane stopped to drop passengers off at Le Mans. That meant all we had was our travel bag and the clothes we stood up in. Worst though was that I made the mistake of putting the travellers cheques in the suitcase leaving us with just £50 worth of French Francs and my credit card. The rep that met us told us that he would arrange for our bags to be delivered to the apartments the following morning at 9am. Not to bad we thought until we got a message delivered to our door saying that our luggage had been mislaid and so would not arrive till the next day. So as to make the most of our holiday we decided to use this day to explore the village and have a long leisurely lunch. When we got back to the apartment after lunch we found a letter under the door saying that our luggage was lost and if it was found they would let us know. Oh dear we thought. We had about £30 worth of cash left and only the hotel in the village took plastic. I made a few calls and managed to get my travellers cheques replaced but it would be two working days before they would arrive and it was 4pm on Friday! We were both pissed off as hell but vowed not to let it ruin our holiday so had an early night.

The next morning we realised the problem was that the sun was out, the beach beckoned and we had no cosies. We considered going down and sitting in our underwear but Dee had worn a sheer G-string under her skirt and a boob tube up top so had no bra. I had kiss-me-quick boxers on with kisses all over them and there was no way anybody but Dee was going to see them. We spent an hour trying to decide what to do. None of the few shops that sold clothes took my MasterCard or American Express and we needed what cash we had for food. In the end we decided to play it by ear and taking a bag with towels from the apartment went off to the front. Being a Saturday the main beach was packed with families and city folk out for the day, far too busy to wear what we had there. The next beach was down about 20 steps and arc shaped with rocky areas either side. People from the main beach were walking over the rocks to use this beach and again we decided it was too busy. The next beach belonged to the hotel and was for residents only so we went on to the last two that we had scouted the day before. By now we were quite high up and knew it would be a long way down to the beach. We started down what looked to be a 30 metre drop to the beach but half way down saw that there were lots of students there with their logo’d parasols and bright orange back packs. They appeared to be doing races from one end to the other so we went back up and moved on to the last beach.

At the top of the steps down was a sign in French, but as neither of us really knows any French we presumed it was a tide warning or something like that. It took us about five minutes to descend the huge stairway down but we could see that it was relatively quiet but also quite small. There looked to be only eight or ten bunches of people there. As we reached the bottom Dee and I looked at each other and smiled as we had just clicked as to what the sign at the top had said, It was a nude beach. Dee whispered that this would solve our problem of no swimwear and also the chance of meeting anybody you know is near on nil. Neither of us had been to a nude beach before and we were both a bit nervous about it, or at least I was. Dee thought it was funny and teased me that I would get a stiffy looking at all these naked girls.

We laid down our towels and proceeded to undress, it did feel a bit strange but nice all the same. Dee has a great body, she is about 5 ft tall with thick red hair, curvy hips and best of all, firm 36 D’s. She keeps her pubes nicely trimmed and her body has a perfect tanned colour from our sun-bed at home, quite rare on a redhead. I am Mr. Average, but I am not worried about my body as I do try and keep in shape down the gym (when I can). We lay down on our towels and took in the midday sun as we lotioned up our bodies, sure to cover the parts not normally reached by the sun.

We had been laying there for an hour or so relaxing when two young women (they looked to be in their early twenties) started over towards us. One was a natural blonde, quite tall with an athletic figure, small pert nipples atop what I guessed to be A-cups and narrow hips. The other was an Asian lass; a little overweight but very curvy with huge tits that swung as she walked towards us. Both had beach mats and bags in their hands. Dee and I sat up and although I was sure that I recognised them I couldn’t place them, I probably didn’t see them naked the last time. They smiled and said ‘Hello.’ In English when they reached us. We said hello back but Dee asked them how it was that they knew we spoke English. It turned out that they had the apartment next door to us and had seen us about, they also said that they hadn’t expected us to come here. As Dee explained our predicament they lay down their mats and sat down opposite us. They thought it was very funny that it was fate that had brought us here and that this was our first time naked in public. Their names were May and Nina. They had come together as Nina’s boyfriend had dumped her a month before but as it was all paid for two she asked May to go with her. They had been drinking on their first night and ended up doing dares that had got riskier by the hour. They explained that every dare that they chickened out of meant an item of their clothing was deliberately covered in mud so that they couldn’t wear it. They said that each of them now only has two outfits left and no beach or underwear at all. Also, because there is no washing machine, they are stuck like that. I thought that the whole thing was a bit immature but funny and slightly sexy all the same.

‘It would appear we are in a similar position.’ I said.

We chatted on for a while and I noticed Nina, the Asian girl had slowly spread her legs very wide in such a way that I could see her pussy if I looked. She was making it easy for me to look as she was looking at Dee as she talked, I could look at her brown pussy without getting caught. I had never seen an Asian girls pussy in the flesh before, it was deep set with soft black pubes and a hint of pink that appeared to be ever so slightly wet. Nina then started to push her hips forward and arc her back as if trying to display her cunt to me. I could now see her pink folds as her lips were slightly parted and I guessed that she was slightly aroused. I had lost track of the conversation and when it all went quiet and they all looked at me I had to bluff and said, ‘I suppose so.’ And then they carried on. I think it was about if they would go nude on the beach next time they were on holiday (my bluff went ok).

As my eyes darted over Nina’s body I realised I was starting to get an erection. I began to worry that this was going to get me arrested or booted off the beach. As it was just the four of us with the next group of people being 20 metres away and not looking in our direction I figured I would be safe. I tried thinking un-sexy thoughts but it was no good. Nina was showing herself to me, even squirming slightly but during this whole show she had moved slowly and subtly so as not to be obvious. I noticed now that my dick was at half mast so sat forward to hide it hoping I too could be subtle but all it did was bring all their attentions too me. Dee looked at.

‘Ian you dirty little man. What do you think you are doing?’ I apologised to them all and could feel my face going red hot with embarrassment.

Nina then said, ‘Yes! I win!’

May laughed and said, ‘I think you should apologise to poor Andy, Nina. That’s not really fair.’

Dee and I looked puzzled so Nina explained to us that her dare was to find a bloke on the beach and get him to have an erection. They chose us because they knew we were English and also that we were away from the busier area of the beach.

I had by now grown to full erection and although I tried to hide it, I was sure they could all see bits of my hard 7 inches. Dee then surprised us all when she blurted out that she wasn’t sure that Nina had won as we couldn’t see my hard-on.

‘Andy you’ve got to show us all your hard cock so that Nina can prove she has won.’

I replied saying, ‘Believe me, she has won!’

‘Prove it then.’ Dee demanded.

I was being teased and this must have been turning me on as I was getting harder, my dick flinching slightly as more blood pumped into it. I noticed that Nina had spread her legs wide again and knew that there was going to be no winning here so slowly began to lower my legs. I leant back and let my legs go flat so that my dick was pointing straight up from my groin.

‘Oh it’s lovely Dee.’ May said, ‘I wish I had one of those with me to play with this holiday.’

Dee was on a roll and wanted to embarrass me even more I think, as she then demanded that I stroke it for the girls.

‘Oh go on Andy,’ they both said. ‘If you do we’ll love you forever.’ Nina continued.

I felt that I was in a no win situation as if I chickened out Dee would call me a wimp and if I did I was showing she was in charge. I really wanted to get her back for even suggesting it and when I looked at her I think she was assuming I wouldn’t do it. So to prove her wrong I took hold of my throbbing cock and gently began to stroke up and down. Nina and May moved around a bit closer to me to get a closer look, although they said it was to hide my wanking from the rest of the beach so that anybody who looked would simply see their backs. I was very turned on and the girls egged me on asking me to wank faster, squeeze my balls and pull my foreskin back. I was enjoying my brazen display and Dee was grinning from ear to ear as I answered to May and Nina’s requests. Nina was now stroking her pussy but from my position I couldn’t really see anything but those huge tits with their brown pebble-like nipples. After about five minutes they were getting impatient and I was getting close.

‘Go on Andy, squirt for the girls.’ Dee said as I began to feel myself coming.

Nothing was going to stop it now and I let out a huge sigh as a huge dollop of come shot out and landed on my shoulder followed closely by two more generous strands that fell on my belly. I milked the remainder out of me and I felt my body going limp as I came down from my high.

‘That was amazing.’ May said and Nina nodded in agreement.

‘Was that nice for you Andy?’ Dee asked.

I looked over to see that her nipples were like bullets and she had fuck me eyes rolling around in her head. I would have jumped on Dee there and then but I don’t think we would get away with that. Once my erection had subsided I realised that I was going to have to get all this spunk off me but didn’t want to ruin my only towel. I noticed that I would be able to get to the sea without being seen up close so got up and walked to the sea. Once in the water I swam about for a while and got rid of my spunk from my body. It felt really nice swimming naked and I stayed out for nearly an hour before I began to get a little cold and headed in. As I walked across the beach I eyed up the talent and although there were a few old people there, the French girls who were tanning had really hot bodies and pretty little faces.

‘I think I could get used to this naturist lifestyle.’ I said to myself.

When I got back to our spot the girls teased me about the cold having an effect on my dick and that it had shrivelled up but I think they were just taking the piss. I was still slightly engorged following my wank earlier and the sight of those hot French girls further down the beach helped too. We lay there on the beach for another hour or so before the sun started to lose its heat whilst Nina and May talked to Dee about all the dares they had done so far. Nina had been dared to knock at our door naked to ask if we had any sugar they could borrow but we had been out. Shame! As we started to pack away I told Dee that I owed her a dare as she had dared me to wank for them earlier. She said I didn’t have to and that she wouldn’t do a dare but Nina said if she didn’t then it gave me permission to take away some of her clothes.

‘But I only have one outfit!’ she moaned.

May said, ‘Well you wont want to lose it then will you.’

After pondering it over she agreed that she would but explained that she would not walk back to the apartment naked. I thought about it for a minute and then said that she must walk home in just her shoes and the towel she had with her. Nina and May were egging her on and in the end she agreed. I took away her clothes and put them in our small bag then got dressed myself. What we hadn’t realised was that the towel was relatively narrow and as such Dee had to tie it just above her nipples to cover her bum but too much movement and either her pussy and bum came into view or the towel came off completely.

‘You sod Andy!’ she said, ‘I can’t walk about in public like this.’

I explained that she wasn’t going to get her clothes back and so she had no choice. Nina and May had pulled on summer dresses but had no underwear on which was fine for May, but Nina’s dark nipples were clearly visible through her yellow dress. Once we were all packed up we made our way back to the apartment but made Dee go first. As we climbed the steep steps up to the top of the cliff I was right behind Dee who gave me a wonderful view of her arse and pussy with every stride she took. Twice on the way up the towel fell off her and at one point she stopped and said she was going to have to chicken out. But as I refused to give her any clothes back so she had little choice, also Nina kept telling her how natural it looked so people would just presume it was an accident (which it was) if her towel fell down. Once we got to the top I think Dee felt safer as her movements were less aggressive so her towel would be more secure around her body. As we walked on May and Nina went on a few feet ahead of us and kept lifting the back of their skirts to show us their back-sides. At one point the towel almost fell off again but she managed to catch it in time just as a car was coming in our direction. This gave me an idea and I gave Dee my camera to hold saying it kept moving and might fall from my pocket. Then I put my hand out so as to hold Dee’s hand that she took happily, she loves to hold hands. This meant that if the towel slipped again both of her hands would be occupied and so she would have difficulty catching it.

We made it back to the apartment block with no further incidents but as we entered the grounds both May and Nina pulled their dresses over their heads to reveal their nakedness. They said that it was a condition of their dares that they weren’t allowed to wear clothes whilst in the grounds of the apartment block, but as yet hadn’t been seen by anybody. I decided that Dee had to go by the same rules and in one swift movement pulled the towel off her with my spare hand and ran up ahead to our room.

‘Andy you bastard!’ was all I heard as I ran ahead.

I wish I’d kept a hold of my camera as I waited at the top of our stairs to see the three naked babes walking up the stairs to our level, it would have made a cracking photograph. We then went our separate ways and agreed that we would meet up again later that evening for a meal. Once into our apartment Dee all but jumped on me.

‘God I’m so wet. I need you to fuck me now!’

I was in no position to argue and pushed Dee down onto the sofa as I threw off my trousers and boxer shorts. Dee sat there with her legs spread wide and two fingers dipping in and out of her cunt as I stripped down but soon took her hand away as I moved in. She was so wet that I went right in to the hilt in one thrust before giving her a real fucking of long, hard and very fast thrusts. Having come only a short time earlier I was able to hold out quite a long time and Dee had two orgasms of her own before I grunted that I was coming. Dee pulled my bum cheeks in an attempt to get my cock deeper into her and held me there as deep as I could go as my dick twitched and spurted inside her. I collapsed on top of her and we lay like that for about ten minutes as we came down from our highs. Once we were recovered Dee went and took a shower to wash away the beach. Still feeling horny I sat at the edge of the bath as she showered, watching every movement as she soaped up her tits and dipped her fingers into her cunt to try and get rid of my spunk. My sexy wife put on a little show for me by squeezing her tits together and putting one foot on the side of the bath to show me her pink cunt. This got me hard again but I couldn’t wank as I had covered myself in sand when I shook the towels out (a sandy wank could prove painful).

I too showered and reminded Dee that she wasn’t allowed to wear any clothes whilst in the apartment complex like Nina and May. She pretended to protest but I could tell it was really turning her on being naked and having the idea of being caught naked by other people from the building. I got dressed into my one outfit and told Dee that she could have her skirt and boob tube once we were clear of the building. When I went into the bedroom I found Dee using the complimentary shaving kit to trim and tidy her cunt so as to look good to anybody who saw her naked.

Once we were ready I prepared my digital camera and put fresh batteries in so that I could record any flashing by the girls but more importantly I wanted pictures of Dee walking about naked. Also after yesterday there may also be some opportunities to get some hot pictures of Nina and May. Once we were ready we walked out into the corridor with me holding Dee’s skirt and boob tube in my hand. We knocked on the door of Nina and Mays’ and were let in by Nina who was naked but for a towel wrapped around her head.

‘May’s in the shower and is making us late,’ she said. ‘Go and get her to hurry up will you Andy.’ She asked.
As the layout appeared to be identical to our apartment I went to the bathroom to get May to hurry as Dee took a seat in front of the telly (the A-Team showing in French). I knocked on the door and told May, whom I could hear was in the shower to hurry up.

‘I can’t hear you…. What was that?’

I said it again but aga! in all I got was, ‘What, I can’t hear you!’ So I tried the door, it wa sn’t locked, and peered around the corner. May was stood there covered in a lather of soap and had her eyes squeezed shut to stop the soap from getting in her eyes as she did her hair.

‘Who’s there?’ she said.

‘It’s me Andy.’ I said but she didn’t cover up just carried on in the shower.

‘Sorry Andy I’m all behind I won’t be too much longer. Make yourself at home and do what you want for five minutes.’

This was all the invitation I needed and decided that this would make a great picture. So I snapped about four or five pictures as she washed. I then sat at the end of the bath and watched her wash.

‘What was that flashing?’

I told her that she had said I could do what I wanted. She called me a dirty old man and smiled in my direction. Once she was finished I handed her a towel and we wondered into the lounge to see how the others were doing. Dee was laughing at the dubbed voices of the A-Team characters and Nina was in the kitchen making us all a drink and singing along to the radio that was playing. As May dried off we drank the drinks that Nina had prepared. I am not 100% sure what they were, but all I do know is that they were strong, very strong. Like a quarter pint of Vodka with a double measure of cola for colour. Eventually we were all ready but before we went I got them all to pose out on the balcony for a couple of shots with my camera, including one brilliant one of Nina and Dee holding May on her side.

Once out into the hallway we made our way down to the foyer with me taking plenty of pictures on the way down (my camera can take over 120 high quality pictures on one memory card), the best of which was of Nina, she was pretending to slide down the banister which gave a great view of her dark arse and contrasting pink pussy. Unfortunately nobody saw us in the apartment block and I was disappointed that Dee’s body wasn’t shared with some strangers. Nina and May went to put on their summer dresses but I stopped them and suggested they swap dresses. At first they seemed to think this was pointless but I insisted and they soon understood once they were dressed. Mays’ dress was too small for Nina’s tits and she could barely keep them contained. It was obvious that too much or sudden movement would shake her tits free. May on the other hand had the opposite problem. If she leant over her tits were clearly visible but best (or worse depending on who you are) was that it was far too short. I do mean really fucking short because even stood up naturally I could see wisps of her pussy hair from the front and a good portion of arse from behind. Dee said that that was taking it too far but the girls agreed that they would go along with my idea.

As we walked towards the restaurants we did get some strange looks from people driving and walking past us. Nina had to stop twice to push her nipples back into the dress as her tits seemed desperate to be free. We saw that all the restaurants were relatively quiet so looked for the cheapest (we were on a serious budget here) and chose a sort of upmarket beach bar that sold burgers, pizzas and the like. We sat down at our table and a young lad of 19 or 20 brought us the menus and asked what we would like to drink. He kept getting the order mixed up because he was too busy eyeing up May in her far to short dress and Nina with her tits spilling out. Eventually our beers and wine arrived and we all chatted about how weird our situation was. None of us would have ever believed we would have been happy to display our bodies to all and sundry ten days ago, but now we are all keen to just be naked in public.

Throughout the meal the waiter must have come to our table about thirty times to check all was fine, even a chef came out to see if we were enjoying our food. Odd seeing as how we had ordered 3 seafood pizzas and a cheeseburger. By the time we were finished we had each had about eight large beers and the girls had all had a glass of wine too, thus we were all a bit pissed. Nina and May were now making no attempt to hide themselves as Nina had one whole tit out whilst May had lifted her dress higher, whilst this did cover her tits completely it did mean that her blonde pubes were clear for all to see. We paid our bill and about five male members of staff came to see us off. We also noticed that they had given us a huge discount, our bill only totalled the equivalent of £12.

As we walked home it became obvious that the girls all wanted to play as Dee asked the girls if any of them wanted to swap outfits. Nina said she would so we stopped in a side road and the girls stripped off their clothes and handed hem to each other. But instead of putting them on they handed them to me and asked me to look after them. Again the camera came out and I took plenty of pictures. May said that she too wanted to be naked and handed me her (or rather Nina’s) dress. There I was 500 metres from home walking along with three naked women. Only two cars passed us on the way back the first was an old man who didn’t notice, the other car had two young French girls in who tooted their horn, laughed and shouted in French.

Once in the apartment block the girls grabbed me and started to take my clothes off me and not wanting them damaged didn’t resist. Dee took pictures of me in the lobby naked with May and Nina but it appeared we were making too much noise as a bloke on the ground floor came out of his room and half way into asking us to shut up stopped dead in his tracks, he just looked at the four of us naked in the hallway with a pile of clothes around us. We all laughed and said sorry for disturbing him but he said, ‘You can disturb me any time if you are going to wonder about naked for me!’ We grabbed our clothes and went upstairs leaving the guy to watch our backsides and we went up.

At the top of the stairs I went to open our apartment door and let us in just as Nina said, ‘OH FUCK! I’ve left our key on the table at the restaurant.’

Whilst they debated what to do Dee said they could stay in our apartment tonight and get their keys in the morning. They didn’t even have to think about it as they made their way drunkenly into our apartment. Once we were all inside our apartment our clothes were dropped on the floor and we collapsed into the chairs around the room. Nina and I sat in the two armchairs whilst May and Dee sat together on the sofa. We all sat there quietly looking around the room before I decided to go into the kitchen and grab us all a drink. All we had was a bottle of duty free vodka and a couple of bottles of 7UP.

‘Looks like it’s Vodka and lemonade then girls!’

I poured out four very large vodkas with a splash of 7UP and some ice in. We sat there talking about nothing in particular, getting even more pissed. By now we were all very drunk and Dee suggested that Nina and May continue their game of dares to entertain us. They both agreed to but couldn’t remember whose turn it was so Dee said the first to finish their drink got to dare the other (I had just issued re-fills). They both swung back their drinks but May spilt most of hers down her chin and was disqualified by Dee who offered Nina the chance to dare May.

Nina considered her options and ordered May to bend over in front of me and pull apart her pussy lips to let me see her cunt. May didn’t appear to see this as a hardship, got up and stumbled towards me before turning around and bending right over with her arse and pussy within reach. It took her a while to steady herself but she did manage to reach behind with one hand and, using two fingers, opened herself up for me. She had a beautiful pussy and seeing as how I still had my camera within reach, took a few pictures. May played with her pussy for me, even sliding a finger into herself which she withdrew and used to smother her juices over her labia. She then stood having been like that for a minute or two and re-took her seat. Dee noticed that I was now sporting a massive erection and suggested to May that she dare Nina to suck it so that they could watch me spray my come over Nina’s face.

Nina didn’t even wait for May to ask her as she jumped up and all but ran drunkenly over towards me and sank down in front of me. At first she just played with me, running her hands over my cock and pulling the foreskin all the way back. I took my last two pictures as Nina played with my dick and balls. I told Dee I had used all my pictures so she took the camera and ran into the bedroom to get another disk, she loaded it in and decided that she would be photographer. Dee started barking orders at Nina and I telling us that she was our glamour photographer and must do as she ordered. First I had to drape both legs over the side of my chair to give the girls a better view and Nina better access. This also gave Nina better access to my balls that she played with as her lips finally sank over my cock-head. At first she just dribbled and chewed gently over the end but Dee ordered her to take me all and so she began to deep throat me. It was amazing having Nina blow me as May stood close by watching and Dee was getting in to take ultra close-ups of my cock going deep into Nina’s mouth. It only took five minutes before I could feel myself ready to come and May shouted to the others that I looked like I was coming. Nina took her mouth away and used her hand to pump me with long fast strokes until I grunted, letting fly a huge spurt of spunk that hit Nina’s cheek and a second that landed on her left tit. Nina then put her mouth over my dick to clean up the last few drops and sucked me dry. When she sat up May told her that there was a huge string of spunk on her cheek so she used her fingers to direct it to her mouth. Then May knelt down in front of Nina and suckled my spunk off her tit whilst taking time to go to work on her nipple. Dee had snapped away the whole time and showed me on the small viewing screen a string of spunk in mid flight from my cock about to hit Nina’s face, what a picture.

Dee handed me the camera and said to continue taking pictures as she instigated the next dare that was for May to bring her (Dee) to orgasm in any way she could. Nina and I watched as Dee sat in the other armchair and we all moved towards her to get a good view. May knelt in front of Dee and buried her face into Dee’s pussy making a sloshing noise as she did so. Nina then lay on her back and moved under May’s arse so that May’s pussy was directly above her. Nina lay there with her legs spread wide and so after taking a few photos decided to give Nina’s pussy a tasting. Nina tasted very different to Dee, not better or worse, just different (and nice) as I lapped away using one hand to keep her pussy lips spread wide. I even took a few pictures of my fingers spreading her pussy wide to show the beautiful contrast between her dark skin and pink hole. After twenty minutes of this I heard Dee was about to come, so I stood up and took pictures as Dee had a blinding orgasm, closely followed by a second and a third.

The game of dares was a distant memory so I aimed the camera from a shelf so that it had a clear view of the room and set it to take a picture every two minutes until it ran out of pictures. I was rock hard again so I fumbled about in my camera bag for the condom I kept there and rolled it over my hard-on. The girls were still in the same position I left them in, only now Nina was rubbing her clitoris with her free hand. I positioned my dick at the entrance to Nina’s pussy and pushed gently in. I heard Nina gasp from under May as her wetness had allowed me to sink to the hilt in one thrust. I held it there for a moment before fucking her with fast strokes, so fast that I popped out a couple of times making her juices splatter over her puffy pussy lips and podgy thighs. May was next to come and had to leave Dee’s pussy alone to concentrate on her own orgasm. As she did so she arched her back and whimpered for a few moments before going limp and flopping her head back into Dee’s lap.

May stood up and sat next to Nina and, together with Dee, watched me shagging Nina whom herself had her eyes closed and was away in her own little world. May leant over and licked at Nina’s swinging nipples as I screwed her for all I was worth whilst watching Dee sat in front of me playing with her glistening pussy. It was all too much for me and once I heard Nina’s breathing quicken I knew we would orgasm together in unison. Nina started first and grabbed at the rug with her fists as she came screaming so loud that May had to kiss her deeply to stop the neighbours from complaining or calling the police. This was it for me as well as I emptied my fourth, somewhat limited, load into the condom and collapsed over Nina as I recovered from my exertions. I pulled out gently and removed the condom before climbing onto the sofa to recover some more.

‘I want some cock too!’ May piped up as I sat there recovering with Dee who had come and cuddled into me. I told her I had no more condoms and that my dick was out of ammo but she said it wasn’t a problem. She said she could get some out of the machine in the gents’ toilets by the pool (we didn’t begin to ask how she knew this). She took some money from her handbag and disappeared out the room. Nina was still lying on the floor rubbing all over her body with a huge grin on her face. Twenty minutes later and May wasn’t back so we got a little worried for her. I pulled my trousers on and went down to look for her, but halfway down found her knelt down in front of the bloke we’d seen earlier giving him a blow-job, so went back up.

I offered for Nina to come to our bed with us but she said she would sleep on the sofa and wait up for May to let her back in so we could go to bed. Dee took me by the hand and took me to our bedroom where she climbed onto the bed and offered her arse in my direction. I climbed onto the bed and sank my war weary cock into her pussy doggy style. Having come four times already I was able to keep going for well over an hour and a half and brought Dee to two more orgasms before I finally had my own dry come. I collapsed in Dee’s arms to go to sleep.

The next morning Nina woke me because there was a man at the door with some luggage for me and I had to sign for it. I saw she was still naked and assumed she had opened the door to the deliveryman naked. I pulled a towel around me and went to see him. I noticed that Nina had left the door wide open and he was looking at Nina and May as they sat together on the sofa naked and half-asleep. Turned out it wasn’t even my luggage, the holiday would have to remain clothing free where possible. Perfect, but could my dick cope with it?


Last edited on Sunday 23 July 2017 17:05
French Holiday
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This site is designed and intended SOLELY FOR ADULTS, people who are at least 18 years of age, who are interested in and wish to have access to visual images, verbal descriptions and audio sounds of a sexually oriented, frankly erotic nature. The materials, which are available in Erotic Web, may include graphic visual depictions and descriptions of nudity and sexual activity and should NOT be accessed by anyone younger than 18 years old or who does not wish to be exposed to this type of material. By entering this website you are agreeing to the following statements:
  1. 1. Under penalty of perjury, I swear/affirm that as of this moment I am an adult of at least 18 years of age.
  2. I agree that Erotic Web has the right to use any materials including text, photo files, audio files, video files, or any other personal or non-personal data submitted to Erotic Web on the Internet for as long as Erotic Web remains in operation.
  3. I swear/affirm that I will not permit anyone under the age of 18 to have access to any of the materials contained within this site. I understand that when I gain access to Erotic Web, I will be exposed to visual images, verbal descriptions and audio sounds of a sexually oriented, frankly erotic nature, which may also include graphic visual depictions and descriptions of nudity and sexual activity. I am voluntarily doing so because I want to view, read and/or hear the various materials, which are available, for my own personal enjoyment, information and/or education. My choice is a manifestation of my interest in sexual matters, which I believe to be both healthy and normal.
  4. I am familiar with the standards in my community regarding the acceptance of such sexually explicit material. The materials I expect to encounter at Erotic Web are within those standards. In my sound judgment, the average adult in my community accepts the consumption of such materials by willing adults in circumstances such as this which offer reasonable insulation from the material for minors and unwilling adults, and will not find such materials to appeal to a prurient interest or to be patently offensive.
  5. I agree that user interaction on is for entertainment value only and I agree that I will not hold liable for any negative consequences that may arise as a direct or indirect result of from such interaction. I understand that, its shareholders, employees, and agents make no warranties and have not validated any of the user information represented at I also understand that, from time to time, employees reserve the right to interact with the online community, as they see fit, to maintain healthy levels of activity for the users and members of, under their respected pseudonyms. I also understand that this activity is for entertainment value only.
  6. I understand that a free membership will be limited to a user who has not yet registered. The areas that will be considered free areas and premium areas will change from time to time at the Sole discretion of Erotic Web staff.
  7. I understand and agree that my access to Erotic Web can be cancelled at any time at the discretion of the Erotic Web staff in order to maintain a friendly, non-hostile, and positive online community.
  8. I understand that I will be subject to any rules posted by I also understand that my continued use of the service following the posting of any changes to these terms and rules will mean your acceptance of the changes.
  9. All models featured on this site are at least 18 years of age.


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